It's the birthday girl, Nicole! |
Today I woke up to the city bus stopping and starting up just outside where I am living. The echoing sound
“I am the good shepherd; I know my sheep and my sheep know me— just as the Father knows me and I know the Father—and I lay down my life for the sheep. I have other of the engine in my room is not quite as peaceful as the roosters crowing like I had hoped for, but it is kind of like an alarm clock! I made it up to work at the tail end of chapel, but was a bit later than expected since I came across two tias and walked up them. It was well worth the extra time, however I do need to allot more time in case I get to walk with them. Most people's walking pace is much slower than my power walk! Work for the first half of the day consisted of me helping with the sponsorship program and before I knew it, it was time for lunch. On the way to Alexander's for lunch we stopped by my house so I could pick up the clothing donations I brought down here with me, then I was off to lunch with the Freeman's. It was great catching up and just being able to spend time with their family. Also, as mentioned at lunch my hair is as big and crazy as ever :) After returning from food I was able to get some more work done in the office before heading up to the school to help plan for the art show. I am thrilled to be here for it again this year, the kids are talented and it is a great way for them to present their work and show guests around the school. My final job for the work day was helping Steph organize donations up in the attic area and although it was as warm as ever, I was glad to help. There are always many projects to help with and tons of things to do, I'm glad to be able to help where and when is needed. On my way out I got to be with the kids and I watched a group of the kids play soccer from the front step. Christofer decided to come sit on my lap and stare up at the clouds. He kept leaning back, looking up, and doing it all over again. He kept talking about water coming out of the clouds (aka rain) and asking me why it happened...although I know how to describe the water cycle in English I had no idea what to say in Spanish, so I resorted to the fancy phrase "because it's raining"! When 5:30 rolled around I joined Rick, Rebekah, Nicole, and Martin for the birthday supper they take the bigger school kids on to celebrate. It was a blast and although they were a bit distracted by the television in the background, we were able to play some checkers and enjoy time together. I was beyond grateful for the opportunity to join them!
Johnny's with Nicole and Martin for their birthday celebrations! |
sheep that are not of this sheep pen. I must bring them also. They too will listen to my voice, and there shall be one flock and one shepherd" John 10:14-16. This scripture reminded me of how much God knows all of his people (sheep) and how deeply He cares for us. Lord understands my whole heart and loves me for it, there is a lot about the kids at Casa de Fe that I remember from last year, in fact I kind of surprised myself. Although I know quite a bit about some of my students from last year there is so much more about them that I cannot fully understand, but the good Lord knows and is meeting their needs in His mighty way. My busy day concluded with late night nachos and girl time, it was a wonderful end to a good day in the jungle.
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