Sunrise hitting the mountains! |
This morning started as the typical end to a long travel day, I was exhausted. However, as I
started to recognize bigger cities as I passed through anticipation started to take over! Knowing I was almost back to Casa de Fe was surreal. My enthusiasm didn't reach it's full potential until I caught a glimpse of Casa de
Fe as I walked up the road at which point my excitement grew exponentially. I could see the maestros working on the fence
surrounding the property and smiling familiar faces, and that is when tears
filled my eyes with overwhelming joy. I had at last arrived back at Casa de Fe!
I trudged through the downpour with my raincoat and umbrella, and still managed
to be drenched from my jeans to my socks, yet it didn't matter. In fact, the
rain was in some senses a welcoming sight and a comforting feeling. Greeting
the missionaries and tias, catching up with Cheralyn for a bit, then visiting
the teachers and students at the school was such a gift. Many of the teachers
did not know I was coming back so it was sweet to see their reactions! Hugs and
hellos from everybody filled me up with so much joy, they were welcoming beyond
measure. Marcela lead me around to the classrooms while they were transitioning
to their next classes and it worked out super well to see the different age
groups of students. Some of them have gotten so big in the last 11 months. I
thank the Lord for how He continues to provide and bless this mission here in
Shell. After a jam packed morning of great things it was time for my first
Ecuadorian meal, almuerzo at Alexander's, with Cheralyn and Jesse (our surprise
guest)! Following lunch we went on a little adventure to gather and bring others
back food for before heading back to Casa. I did some work in the office before
joining the middle age kiddos for Bible Club! The truck ride up to the church was a bit more of a roller coaster than it used to be, because there has been significant damage to the big hill to Casa, but we made it safe and sound all the same. It was fun to sing some of those
familiar Spanish songs of worship and watching them dance around. I got a ride
back to my house after Bible Club from Jeff and Ana, it was nice seeing them and
catching up even though it was a short time. When I got home I visited with the
Hayes and went out to supper with Christy, Cheralyn, and my new roommate Anna at
Johnny's. At last I was able to enjoy some of the gyusa tea I was
craving! Before going home and heading to bed I got to have my "Choco Mix" ice
cream cone and pick up some breakfast for the morning. Buenas Noches
So happy you have landed safely and are enjoying the experience already!